Out and about on the last day of January I saw a house which still sported the snowflake outdoor lights and the colored lights on the fir tree. That’s a little late, the second month just starting. And the year seems to be moving quickly to me. CHS 2010.2 released and already installed on a few computers I can mention and people are exploring the Capital Modular XC harness design capabilities in this latest version and the System Vision Integration has been keenly anticipated in the technical community which supports CHS at customers. About sixty new features have been put into CHS. Also worthy of note is that it is a mere 5 months now to June 2nd. This is the date of what is going to be probably the biggest Integrated Electrical Solutions Forum so far.
I talked with James Price who is leading the organization of the event. It is going to be at the same venue as last time – The Dearborn Grand Hyatt. We discussed how it has developed over the last ten years from what was initially a regional users’ conference into something very different. The gathering took on a life of its own, and became something entirely different from how it started out. Now it is a forum is facilitated by Mentor Graphics however the content of the seminars, talks and panel discussions emerges from the wishes of the invited participants.
People who are well known and respected in the industry, typically in the automotive, heavy truck, military and off-road vehicles get together. talk together. Particpants confer, exchange information and it is a really good networking opportunity. The views expressed by the speakers are independent, stimulating and enlightening. The themes are chosen independently of Mentor, the opinions are not inhibited by the Mentor Graphics facilitation of the event. Make a note in your diaries. Attend if you possibly can.
For Mentor Graphics staff the IESF gathering is another opportunity to listen. Many opportunities because there will be a multiplicity of customers and several hundred particpants. I am currently reading a book by William H Whyte Jr. from 1952 which quoted from the Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky along the lines of: “if people will not listen to you then drop to your knees and beg forgiveness.” A bit on the dramatic side, but the point is forcibly made. You earn the right for to be listened to especially in a customer-vendor relationship because you have taken heed of what is being said to you. In June I will be listening. Intently, actively.
Formal and Informal Value from IESF
For customers is it unrivalled as an opportunity to network with people who do the same job at comparable organizations elsewhere. You can check out what generally in electrical systems design in transportation are the current best practices. If you don’t want to tell your boss about bumping into other companies’ senior managers who are always looking for talent, then your secret is safe with me. I’m foused on the listening, remember.
You go to other events, trade shows and engineering conferences and the like and you will maybe find some common purpose with the attenders. At IESF you are guaranteed a full-on day of electrical design knowledge sharing. From traditional vehicle wiring products to the latest AutoSAR tools; from curcuit design software dicussions to exploration of power distribution equipment for the next generation of vehciles it is all going to be there, in one place.
The IESF conference contains both formal (presentations and sessions) and informal (networking and social opportunities) chances to meet like minded people invoved in transportation electrical distribution, for example car electrical systems. I’m looking forward to it as ever. There will be no dancing ladies, but there might be popcorn at the mixer after the event proceedings formally close.
I mention this because I’m closing with a picture of an orchid commonly called “dancing ladies” because of the appearance of the blooms. I can see the reason for the name, you have to think of Strauss waltzes than Hip-Hop dancing. Someone said they look more like popcorn sitting on the kitchen counter at home. I can see how a person can think that too. Take a look for yourself, make of it what you will.
Whether your perception is IESF the Mentor electrical wiring systems conference, or IESF the automotive systems design conference there’s no problem. Both are valid perspectives. Register and come along and make it what you want and take from it what you want. It is being held for you to to that.